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Weather The Storm


“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;And through the rivers,they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned,nor shall the flame scorch you.” 

Isaiah 43: 2

 Lighthouse in storm

One of the strongest buildings man made is a lighthouse on the banks of the seas  and oceans. They are designed to withstand even the strongest winds, the fiercest waves, and the most wicked storms that can be thrown toward them. They were designed to let the ships know where land was. The light and lens was designed to be so bright that it could be seen for miles. But if you were next to the light and lens, it would only have enough light to read a book. The lighthouses usually took two or three men that were called lighthouse keepers. Their job was to keep the light lit and maintained.

That lighthouse protected the men from all sorts of weather that was thrown at it. It protected them and comforted them so they did not have to worry about what was going on around them.

Though I walk in the midst of trouble,

You will revive me;

You will stretch our Your Hand

Against the wrath of my enemies,

And Your right hand will same me.

Psalms 138:7

When we seek GOD, He is our lighthouse. No matter what is going on within our lives, we can always count on GOD to protect us. The storm may be fearful at times. We may struggle and question what kind of storm we are enduring, but GOD will never forsake us. We are wrapped in the Arms of the LORD.

 lighthouse at night

It is easy to walk with GOD when things are going good in our lives. But when times get tough, we tend to want to walk away and try things on our own. Just like with the light house, we don’t think we need the light to be as bright when we are near. When we begin to walk away and struggles begin, we know that we can bright light from miles away, guiding us back to GOD. He is waiting there for us with open arms. To wrap us up and protect us from whatever storm we are going through.


Casting all your care upon HIM, for He cares for you. 

1 Peter 5:7

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